by Donald T. MacKinnon
What kind of a store is KelsiLove? Now that is a very good question, and one not easily answered. Do you ever find yourself in a quandary over buying a gift for someone who has everything? I have a solution to propose: set aside some time and look at this environment friendly, unique, collection of useful gifts all reasonably priced just waiting for you to click on BUY. Kelsi, a very talented fashion designer, photographer, and ecologically conscious entrepreneur, is constantly adding items that are bound to satisfy and raise the question, how did she come up with that idea? How about a pair of these for starters; made from something Mother Nature cast off.
Oh, wait, I have to show you these cowls worn about the neck to keep you warm. Let us give this some thought for a moment. On a cold and windy day, you decide to take a short walk and find yourself chilled and uncomfortable. Try one of these handmade cowls out for size. Immediately you might say, "It is too small, that will not work." With your neck exposed to the elements, you will get cold sooner because the blood going to the brain is chilled, causing your brain to get cold, and the rest of you will soon follow. These heavy, well-knit cowls worn around the neck will hold your body heat in and keep the cold out. The result is a comfortable walk on a cold and windy day.
Now lets look at something more elegant for the ladies called a scarflette.
There is more in the jewelry department. These next items made from some things we throw away, bottle caps. Unique is and understatement, and they are fun. Why throw these caps away just because the liquid they held captive is gone. Kelsi reuses the caps as well made broaches; think of the selection possibilities available.
Shown here is a pair of Filipino soda bottle cap broaches, and one from a cider bottle cap.
Try one of Kelsi's custom-made cup cozies when you to carry a hot (or even cold) drink without feeling bad about all those little cardboard cup holders destroying the world. This cute cup cozy fits Starbucks cups and stretch to fit other cups. Go ahead buy and use them the next time you get a cup of coffee. Mother Nature and Kelsi will thank you for it.
Try one of Kelsi's custom-made cup cozies when you to carry a hot (or even cold) drink without feeling bad about all those little cardboard cup holders destroying the world. This cute cup cozy fits Starbucks cups and stretch to fit other cups. Go ahead buy and use them the next time you get a cup of coffee. Mother Nature and Kelsi will thank you for it.
Do you burn incense, of coarse you do. These hand made incense stick holders are attractive and functional.
KelsiLove is a store that has everything, a cornucopia of solutions for the shopper looking to find unique, eco-friendly, affordable gifts. For the vintage item seeker KelsiLove lists some very interesting items and all value priced. Please visit KelsiLove and see for yourself the vast assortment of affordably priced items available.
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