Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Please Help Me Help The Schools

Buy Candles with Box Tops
You can buy any item of ValerieEssentials from NanasNikNaks or  from my shop. Your choice on which set, color and scent!

If you don't know what Box Tops are look at this LINK and it will tell you all the foods you can get the Box Tops off of.
Another way you can help the schools is: Link your Vic Card (Card from Harris Teeter) to school 5354 and 4 other schools! You can link your Vic Card up to 5 schools! You can enter them on line of just tell your cashier at Harris Teeter.

You can also Save the Harris Teeter milk caps... Yes Milk tops from your Harris Teeter Milk!

Thank so much in advance for supporting our school system. With all the cuts this year they need all the breaks they can get. And with my little one in school now it means a lot to me that you will help. Thanks again to you!

Schools need our help and every little bit helps. Our school (EndHaven- 5354) didn't have smart boards until the beginning of this year. However the school could only get 3. They are striving to get more this year. My daughters 1st grade doesn't even have school books!

When a school is new, for the first 5 years (I think) they get help from the state. BUT after that they are on their own (pretty much) with the exception of donations, fund raisers (Fun Run, Book Sale...) and help from Box Tops and the Harris Teeter milk caps.

Schools end up getting cuts many times a years. We are losing great teachers and money for the schools. How is our Country suppose to strive when they are making it so difficult to raise bright children to run our country for the future?

**A Special Thank You To Supporters so far: Please Take A Special Look In These Shops** (Great Wooden Toys)

Bayberry, Black, Brown, Burgundy, Green, Gold, Ivory, Jade, Orange, Pink, Royal Blue, Rust, Scarlet, Turquoise, Violet, Wedgwood Blue, Yellow

Apple & Maple Bourbon, Baby Magic, Bahama Breeze, Beer, Bird Of Paradise, Birthday Cake, Black Cherry, Blackberry Marmalade, Blueberry Pie, Christmas Essence, Christmas Eve, Christmas Morning, Christmas Tree, Cinn/Spice, Clean Cotton, Cucumber Melon, Gardenia, Hawaiian Paradise, Hawaiian Rain, Heaven, Honeysuckle, Hot Cocoa, Island Breeze, Jack Daniels, Jack Frost, Juniper Breeze, Lavender Vanilla, Leather, Love Spell, Mango & Papaya, Margarita, Maui Pineapple, Melon, Moon Lake Mist, Mountain Laurel, Muscatine, Orange, Orange Cream, Pineapple Paradise, Popcorn, Rain, Red Hot Cinn, Sandalwood, Sea Breeze, Smoke & Odor Eliminator, Spiced Wassail, Spring Rain, Strawberry Shortcake, Sugar Cookie, Sunwashed Linen, Sweet Pea, Tropical Paradise, Tutti Fruitty, Very Vanilla



Nancy said...

Ok I will look on everything and will send them to you. Nancy

Valerie's Essentials said...

THANK YOU so much Nancy!!!! I very much appreciate it. THANKS YOU!!

Anonymous said...

I will save mine for you. Do you still need them? You don't have to send me anything. Convo me your address.


Valerie's Essentials said...

Susan! THANK YOU!!! I will put your name on my shop and mom's shop as well as here and my facebook and twitter page when you send them. Thank you so much! said...

Great write up and what a wonderful way to help the schools Linda. My daughter is still young and her school has them collect box tops as well. Will twitter for you!

Collaborators In Cahoots said...

Thank you so much for RTing! My first is in K so we have MANY years to go-lol But you always want the best for your babies... Thanks Karen! And everyone!~Valerie